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Saturday, January 23, 2010

The Amazingly Simple, Yet Often Overlooked, Key to Starting Your Online Business 

Starting an Internet business can be daunting. Especially if, like us, you were not born into the computer age.
The thing is, for older citizens who would like to continue eating, making money online is often the only alternative to becoming a greeter at Wal-Mart.  But it seems as if the skill sets needed to become an Internet entrepreneur are almost part of the DNA of the younger generation. Not so much for the older generation...
So. Throw up a web page? Hey, why not? FTP that stuff right on up there, make a video, go viral, do a podcast or two, don't forget the RSS feed, and...  Yeah, right. We'll get to it later this afternoon... after we figure out what the heck they're talking about.  Okay. We can't do one of those Venusian mind melds with your average computer geek twelve year old. But here's the good news: we can Google it!  Hey, what are the two things we already know how to do? Send e-mails to the kids. And Google stuff. Right?
What has this got to do with making money on the Internet? Actually, for the computer semi-literate, just about everything.

A couple of years ago, we bought a laptop at Circuit City. The young salesman - a really kind teenager - set everything up for us, installing the essential software with no extra charge, explaining to us exactly what to do and how to do it.  Sweet.  But sweeter still is the education he gave us.  We were so impressed with his computer expertise that we asked him: how did you learn all this stuff?  He said: "Anything I needed to know, I just asked on the computer. There was always someone who could give me the answer."  Wow!
So when we needed to find a way to hook up our blog with a menu tab on our website (it's a Stores Online site that wouldn't let us do a regular link), we Googled it.  And sure enough! The kid was right! Our question led us to a java script site that showed us how to copy and paste the link we need - for FREE!  So what do you want to know? What's FTP? What's a niche market? What's SEO?  Google it!  Now you know.
It won't make you a teenager.  But it may save you from being a greeter at Wal-Mart. Which, as we all know, can get a little tough when the old arthritis kicks in.  Better to be at home making money in your jammies, yes?
We thought so.

Bob Brooker and Kaye O'Dougherty have been looking for a simple way to make money for a long, long time. As far as they're concerned, the only thing better than finding that way is to find it, and then find a way to share it with you. Which is the purpose of their website, Their background, however, is in the performing arts. So while they've been seeking their fortune on the Internet (the performing part of their repertoire having been dealt a serious blow when Bob, a long-time saloon singer, had a stroke a few years back), they wrote a book, Football is for Lovers, available through their website But the point is, Bob and Kaye keep on keeping on, reinventing themselves when necessary. Don't you?